She Is... Christmas Edition | Page 13

2. With running several businesses and also having a family, what would you say helps you to maintain sanity?

As moms, we have a tendency to feel like we have to have our hands in everything and no one can do it better that we can. We find ourselves giving... whether it's our time, mind, body and soul until we have nothing left. I am learning that I cannot pour from an empty cup. I am learning to say NO without feeling guilty, stop and smell the roses and to replenish. I am learning to celebrate myself and I am falling head over heels in love with the woman I've become.

3. Christmas is quickly approaching us. What does Christmas mean to you?

Christmas is a time of reflection for me, as we quickly approach the end of another year. I reflect on the journey I had that year and realize that no matter the struggles I may have endure, my victories far outweighed them all.

4. 2017 is ending. What goals have you set for 2018?

I stopped setting resolutions, but my goal is to continue to get out of my own way and let God use me.

This is why She Is! I truly admire her ethic and her as a person. She's defintely one to look out for! #SheIs#Melissa