She Is... April | Page 13


While everyone is telling me to “fix my face”, at no point in time are they asking me about me? Their objective is completely selfish because I’m supposed to make them feel better while my needs are irrelevant. I am a perpetual thinker. My mind is constantly going nonstop. Even at night, I have to force myself to go to sleep and when I do my mind goes so hard that I have this condition called “nocturnal epilepsy” where I have seizures in my sleep because my mind is doing too much. I say all of that to say this, I am not now nor will I ever fit into anyone else’s mold or idea of what I should or should not be doing. I may look “unapproachable” but I’ll give the shirt off of my back to those in need. I used to get upset when people would jump to conclusions about me but I mean whose opinion is it anyway? People are going to say something whether I’m smiling, frowning or none of the above because that is what people do. However, the moment I open my big mouth to speak and my deep booming voice says, “How are you?” and they reply “Good and you?” once they hear my response, “FANTASTIC!” lol, they are taken aback. The reactions never disappoint! Why? Because reality didn’t match their assumption.

Now they’re confused and conflicted about it because they were wrong but they feel good about it, unless they were rooting for me to be unhappy in which case; I’m still fantastic and now they’re nauseous, lol. The point is those eyes, their eyes, your eyes, my eyes only get to see what we allow them to see. And that is completely your choice because even if you’re the most wonderful person in the world, society will find something to complain about. Take it in stride because regardless of what you may have heard, the eyes can lie to you just as well as that fake smile can!

Enlightenment is Power
