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Her Them Speaks Out on Plain Clothes Police Officers in Clubs

Spill The Tea

Against As a Black person and woman , I find it hard to trust police officers in uniform , let alone plain-clothed officers . There is already an existing level of mistrust within my community when it comes to the police , this will just add an extra level of distrust within marginalised communities . Nicole Hemming
On The Fence I partially agree with the plain clothed police officer scheme . But if there are women in danger and the police are simply unaware of it , then how can these women reach out ? Women may also think there is no one around to help , defeating the purpose of helping women . Jessica Janes
Photo Credits : Pexels
Against I appreciate the Government ' s suggestions of increased CCTV in parks and better lighting , but what benefit is having plain clothed police officers inside bars and nightclubs going to be if many of these terrible incidents take place outdoors in public and open spaces ? Isabelle Salami
For As someone who has had their fair share of unwarranted conversations and groping on sticky dance floors , I ’ m glad the government is finally taking precautions to prevent tragic attacks on women . Hopefully now inconspicuous police officers will be able to identify , step in and prevent harassment in nightclubs across the country . Gabriella Ferlita
Against I don ' t agree because plain clothed police officers aren ' t easy to spot . Having police inside clubs won ' t help much as clubs are normally crowded and you can ’ t see everything that ’ s going on . It would be better if the police patrolled outside as this is where often men tend to take advantage of drunk women . Estefania Lopete
@ SheHerThemMag

@ nataleebfitness “ Another magazine feature , thank you for sharing my story @ SheHerThemMag ! ❤

@ amycws “ I ’ m gonna be on the @ SheHerThemMag podcast talking about autism and my TikTok AAAAAA !!! Check this space soon ! I ’ m excited !"
@ SPAJournalism “ Coming from the University of Roehampton , @ SheHerThemMag are newly launched and student-led for women and non-binary young people !"
@ Sheherthem . mag

@ elisepullinger “ Had so much fun doing this podcast with you ! ❤❤ "

@ ori . dium “ Really great to see people changing with the times ! 🙌🏻 "

@ ladyphyll “ OMG thank you so much @ sheherthem . mag❤🏳

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