SHE-BE Girl's Soccer Journal Issue 1 | Page 21

#4 Side Plank

Target Areas: All Major muscle groups, side specific.

Lying on your side with your legs extended away from you, resting on the outside of your bottom foot and elbow lift your Pelvis upwards in a straight line and hold the position.

Maintain deep steady breathing and alignment.

See video above

Beginners: 4x 10 seconds each side

Intermediate: 4x 20 seconds each side

Advanced: 5x 1 min each side including Pelvic lifts and drops. without touching the floor

#5 The Squat

Target Areas: Lower Back, Hamstrings, Quads, Glutes

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and place your hands on your hips. Lower your trunk towards the floor as though you are sitting on an imaginary chair. Always keep your knees behind your second toe.

Look straight ahead while lowering yourself until your trunk is below your waistline. Lift your trunk upwards through your heels until you are upright and repeat.

Breathe in on the way down and breathe out on the way up.

Beginners: 4x 5 Squats 5 seconds rest between sets

Intermediate: 4x 10 Squats 10 seconds rest between sets

Advanced: 10x 10 Squats

10 seconds rest between sets

**Should you experience knee pain while doing squats you should seek assistance from a physio or biokinestist to assess any underlying injury to the joint.

She-Be 21

About the Author:

Coach Tim is one of the founders of TC Training Systems. He can be seen coaching an array of athletes in teams and individually.

Click on any of the excersices to get in touch.

Insta: @tc_trainingsystems

FB: TC Training Systems

#6 The Lunge

Target Areas: Lower Back, Hamstrings, Quads, Glutes

Standing with your feet together and your hands on your hips step backwards with one leg.

Once your back leg has landed drop your back knee towards the floor and bend your front knee to 90 degrees.

If your front knee extends past your second toe step further backwards to ensure your legs are bent to 90 degrees. Your back knee should never touch the ground.

Once completed come back to standing and drive the other leg backwards and repeat.

Breathe in on the way down and breathe out on the way up.

Beginners: 4x 5 lunges on each leg

Intermediate: 4x 10 Lunges on each leg

Advanced: 10x 10 lunges on each leg.

**Should you experience knee pain while doing lunges you should seek assistance from a physio or biokinestist to assess any underlying injury to the joint.




Side plank!

