Shaw Book - Volume 1 Mar. 2016 | Page 124

116_127FluorDaniels 10/21/04 10:11 PM Page 122 Beverly Hills Reverse Osmosis Facility, Beverly Hills, CA 122 Shaw tan planter walls with vertical wall reveals at eight feet o.c. with 90-degree corners. T he reverse osmosis water treat- houses the plant has been designed to thus augment the city's municipal water ment plant is an innovative accommodate future expansion, and is supply.The additional water resources will public works facility for the characterized by its combination of func- supplement the water supply currently city of Beverly Hills, CA. Earth tion and aesthetics, featuring clean, con- provided by regional water authorities and Tech was selected to design, build, finance temporary lines to complement future new will also provide resources for fire emer- and operate the facility through a 20-year municipal development in the area. Upon gencies. public/private partnership with the city. completion, Earth Tech will commence Based on the building's proximity to city operations of the plant for a period of 20 structed entirely on a