shaw-architectural-reference-guide-book-2 | Page 184



Owner : Architect : Landscape Architect : General Contractor :
Children ’ s Hospital of Orange County FKP Cathcart / Begin McCarthy
Specifically designed for the care of children , the seven-story 425,524 square-foot patient tower provides leading-edge technology and advanced programs and services in a childfriendly , healing environment . The Children ’ s Hospital of Orange County ’ s new tower embodies the institution ’ s vision to become a national hallmark for pediatric care . One of the key parts achieved in the project is the client ’ s goal of having a fun , playful environment that always offers a piece of discovery as children and their families walk through the hospital .
The project includes blue glass and shell Lithocrete paving and curvilinear Sedimentary seat walls . Using glass and shells in a hospital driveway may not sound like a good idea , however , Lithocrete uses special procedures and materials that afford a very colorful yet very durable surface that also gives patients a smooth yet non-slip surface . Our patented Sedimentary walls can be tailored to any color and design requirements , yet always remain natural in appearance .
“ The Lithocrete on this project turned out beautifully . The Sedimentary seating walls along with the shell and blue glass seeded Lithocrete paving allowed us to create a dynamic and playful design befitting of a children ’ s hospital . The hardscape has proven durable and has held up wonderfully since its completion years ago .” - Stephanie Shermoen , Terrain Integration