reveal the fact that this verse even
predicts ecommerce with its speedy
delivery services using drones or
vehicles where people across the
whole world could instantly purchase
gifts with a one or two days priority
delivery service. Remember that all
this partying and sending of gifts
(The word ‘send’ is used by most
translation instead of ‘give’) had to
happen within three and a half days
while these men were dead and lying
in the streets.
Predictions of the modern stock
market, digital money, global
audio/video streaming networks
and global trade
“The merchants will say, ‘The pleasure
you longed for has left you. All your
riches and glory have disappeared
forever.’ … In just one hour your great
wealth has been destroyed!’ “Every
sea captain and all who travel by ship
will stand far away. So will the sailors
and all who earn their living from the
sea.” Revelations 18:14-17 (NIRV)
In verse 9 the kings of the earth was
able to see Babylon burning as were
all those who manned maritime
vessels (see verse 18). This could
only be possible by way of the digital
technology we have today.
On the infamous Black Tuesday
of October 29, 1929, the US stock
market lost $14 billion in a single day.
Back then there weren’t any digital
trading with digital money in a world
where the finances of all nations were
tightly intertwined as they are today.
According to Revelations 18 Babylon
was the financial hub of the world but
the wealth and riches of that great city
vanished without a trace within one
hour. Without a doubt this must be a
stock market event where stocks were
digitally traded using digital money.
If you, like myself, have lost valuable
information from the corrupted hard
drive of a computer you will know
that virtual data can easily be lost
beyond any hope of recovery. There
are others like the 666 system where
the whole world will use a single,
centralised, biometric currency. these bodies were buried. Is this
a hint that these bodies were
contaminated by the weapon that
was used to kill them in the war?
A few other verses that could be
pointing to modern day technology
are found in Jeremiah 39:6-16.
Although these could be a little more
speculative I believe they are still
worth mentioning. As we consider
these kindly remember that futuristic
visions with modern technology could
be a very difficult thing for ancient
men to describe. 3. Verse 14 “They will set apart men
regularly employed, with the help
of a search party, to pass through
the land and bury those bodies
remaining on the ground, in order
to cleanse it… The search party will
pass through the land; and when
anyone sees a man’s bone, he
shall set up a marker by it, till the
buriers have buried it in the Valley
of Hamon Gog.” Here again we see
an emphasis on burying everyone
of the dead bodies as leaving them
unburied would lead to some kind
of contamination of the land. We get
the impression that the searchers
were only allowed to leave markers
for the others, possibly specially
equipped and trained personnel
who would then take and bury
them in the Valley of Hamon Gog
which was the designated burial
ground. Could this be another sign
of some kind of residual radiation
type contamination?
The things to note are as follows:
1. Verse 9 says, “Those who dwell in
the cities of Israel will go out and
set on fire and burn the weapons;...
and they will make fires with them
for seven years.” Weapons that
can fuel a city for seven years must
be more than just stick type bow
and arrows. Many great inventions
in history was born out of military
research and the quest to be
superior in warfare. The atomic
bomb was one such product and
the t echnology that fuelled it is
commonly used today in nuclear
plants as one of the most efficient
ways to provide energy for whole
cities. Fires were used back then
to provide light at nights. Today
nuclear power is converted into
electricity that then produces light
and heat etc.
2. Verse 12 “For seven months the
house of Israel will be burying
them, in order to cleanse the land.”
In the days of heavy equipment
it is not likely that it would take
seven months for a country to bury
its dead enemies who were killed
within a specific location unless,
of course, specific precautions had
to be taken like those associated
with residual radiation. Note the
mention of cleansing the land
and the fact that travellers had
to circumvent the area where
How about this one in Zechariah
14:12 “And this shall be the plague
with which the Lord will strike all
the people who fought against
Jerusalem: their flesh shall dissolve
while they stand on their feet, their
eyes shall dissolve in their sockets,
and their tongues shall dissolve in
their mouths.” In the midst of battle
something very gruesome will befall
Jerusalem’s enemies. Their skin, eyes
and tongue will dissolve. Note that
this will not happen after a period
of illness but while they stand. Back
then there was nothing invented that
could have done this. Today however
we have a choice of arsenal that
could accomplish this or something
very similar. p
October - December 2017
By Homer Slack
author, preacher, Bible
teacher, IT tutor, program-
mer & graphic designer