Going Back
In Time
Therefore, it
remains our
choice, to follow
Jesus, or remain
upon a wide path
that will continue
to lead to sickness,
torment, and
Sitting at my desktop, the Spirit of
the Lord said; I am giving you one of
the visions that I have been talking to
you about. God took me back in time
to the fallen realms of mankind and
showed me how much of His loving
plan mankind has missed by choosing
to remain in these fallen realms of the
1st Adam. My steps were sure, my pace steady as I
went down into this timeless place. The
farther I went, the deeper we went into
a time of long ago but never forgotten,
the ways of fallen man. The lower we
went, the darkness intensified the place
in time. Then it seemed that time began
to stand still, these were the corridors of
times past.
Suddenly, I was standing before a
large, ancient grandfather’s clock. As
I looked on, the hands on the clock
began to quickly turn “back in time.” As
the vision continued, I found myself on
top of a very tall and seemingly endless,
unique set of stairs. As the Lord led me,
He talked to me as we descended the
stairs. I knew that I was being led into
the corridors of time, realms of long go. As we continued to move lower into
time, the Lord said, we are going into
the basement of time. However, before
arriving there Jesus warned me; people
will look at you and wonder, why is he
going back? As soon as the Lord spoke
these words, there were people going
up the stairs of time and as they passed
by us on our way down they would look
at me with snarling looks of disbelief,
October - December 2017