SHARE Magazine October 2016 | Page 4

Paradox of our Times A curious thing happened while I was preparing this issue , I looked in the Cambridge dictionary for the meaning of Christ and Trinity and there was no listing to be found there and I thought , “ Typical !” The world has no real interest in the things of God . There were idiomatic references which suggested that Christ is commonly used as a mere exclamation / curse word . I cringed on the inside , having witnessed this commonplace practice myself .
Later on , I watched a Youtube video where a billboard was mounted outside a church downtown New York that read : ‘ Keep the merry bin the myth ’, referring to taking Christ out of Christmas . Well , I think that there is as much logic in that line of reasoning as having a birthday party and excluding the person whose birthday it is . This is the prevailing ‘ knee jerk ’ reaction to anything of Christ these days . People will accept the gifts of God but reject Him as the giver . Why is this so ? I believe it is because acknowledging God as the giver of all creation ’ s bounty necessitates that mankind will have to defer to Him and become accountable to Him . This is no longer negotiable as humanism , liberalism , hedonism , atheism , and Satanism fight against Christianity for mainstream legitimacy at the expense of world peace .


The Perfect Gift

Christians are therefore now targeted and labelled as haters .
Warring over The Prince of Peace Jesus , The Prince of Peace brings peace in 3 areas . 1 ) He reconciles us to God so we are no more at war with Him . 2 ) He brings a supernatural calm so we need not be afraid or agitated in the storms of life . 3 ) Before Jesus came the world was divided between the children of Israel , whom God fought for , and the rest of the world ( Gentiles ) whom God fought against , but now all that has changed . “ For He Himself is our peace , who has made both one , and has broken down the middle wall of separation ... so as to create in Himself one new man from the two , thus making peace , and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross , thereby putting to death the enmity .” Ephesians 2:14-16 . God , through the cross , has reconciled and made peace between Jew and Gentile because of Jesus . Division based on nationality is no more .
The Prince of Peace is now the point of contention . On one side are those who are for Him and on the other those against Him . Jesus is the narrow gate and the door that stands between those on the outside and the few on the inside , those going to hell and those who will be with Him in His Kingdom . “ He who has the Son has life ; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life ” 1 John 5:12 , no matter their


Volume 4 - Issue 4
About Us
SHARE MAGAZINE is a FREE Christian quarterly that deals with challenging Christian topics that have been mostly ignored or left unanswered . The magazine includes written articles , poems and thoughts etc . Read our online version at www . TheShareMagazine . com where you can discuss articles or order a printed version . If you would like to submit articles , join our writers group , or to get involved in any other way kindly email us . SHARE MAGAZINE is produced by Select Arrow , which is the publishing arm of United In Christ .
Throughout this magazine the editor & contributors seek to present a balanced and accurate view of Scripture ’ s teaching . We are all on a journey of studying and understanding God ’ s Word . Because of this , all we can offer is as balanced an understanding as the Holy Spirit has offered us at this time . The views or opinions represented in this publication are personal to each of our contributors and may not fully represent those of any other contributor or editor .
Scriptures quoted are from the Contemporary English Version ( CEV ) unless otherwise stated .
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4 | SHARE | MAGAZINE October - December 2016