Jesus the Light of
Advent is a time of spiritual preparation
in which many Christians make
themselves ready for celebrating the
birth of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Advent
often may involve a period of prayer,
fasting and repentance, followed by
expectancy, hope and joy. We thank
God for Christ’s first coming to Earth
as a baby, also for His presence
among us today through the Holy
Spirit. Also, we anticipate His final
coming at the end of time.
Definition of Advent
The word “advent” comes from the
Latin “adventus” meaning “arrival” or
“coming,” particularly of something
having great importance.
What do the Advent Candles
stand for?
The candle of Hope
This candle is a symbol of
God’s Peace
The candle of Love
The candle of Joy
The fifth candle reminds
Christians of the birth of Jesus
The Jews also have a special
time called Hanukkah
A Hanukkah AKA (Chanukah)
Menorah, candlebra is used, which
is slightly different from a usual
Menorah. Menorah comes from the
October - December 2016
root word Nur meaning flame in
Hebrew or to light or illuminate in
A Hanukkah Menorah has eight
candle holders and a middle one
known as the Shamash, also known as
the helper candle or servant candle.
This is the candle that sits higher
than the others, it is set apart. It is
the candle that is lit first, then the
other candles are lit from this one from left to right. The servant candle
gives light to the others. Messianic
Judaism reflects on Yeshua (Jesus),
our Servant Messiah, who is high and
lifted up, above all else. He came to
give us light and life.