“An Eagle worships in flight, a stallion worships
with every majestic stride, the fish, the ant and all
of God’s creation worship through their nature.”
pursuit of God into a legalistic,
religious system of rules, formulas
and programs. The Church has
been in a ‘rat race` to see who
can be the best, the biggest, the
most anointed. Winning Souls is
no longer about producing sons
but increasing membership. Our
mailing list is longer than our prayer
list. We must wake up and smell the
dead roses and spend more time in
The number one purpose of man is
to worship his Creator and to do this
he must become or be who he was
created to be. An eagle worships in
flight, a stallion worships with every
majestic stride, the fish, the ant
and all of God’s creation worship
through their nature. Only mankind
have corrupted, lost the purpose
of their nature. That’s why God
released the plan of salvation, to
redeem us back to who we were. Let
me just say this here, salvation was
never meant to save us from hell...
first; but to restore us to God. We
have spent so much time and effort
trying to escape hell that we have
missed His love by miles, hence we
are struggling to live free for God,
without God.
Religion has always been satan’s
design for man. This is the
greatest deception. Many go to
a place of worship on a special
day - completely oblivious to the
deception they are walking into.
Jesus told the woman of Samaria,
”ye worship ye know not what.’’
John 4:22. This was in response to
her declaration of her life of worship
and service to God. ‘’Or fathers
worship on this mountain...”
generations at that place in
ignorance. I believe many in
our time are in this same place.
Our worship is empty, heartless
and ridged because there is no
relationship. We have become
a people in need of external
systematic controls because we are
not internally governed by the Holy
Spirit. Welcomed well into a Church
building, just like the woman at
the well, we can point to a place
of worship but we cannot see the
Person to worship right in front of
“Come let us build ourselves a
city and a tower whose top will
reach to heaven, and let us make
for ourselves a name; lest we be
scattered abroad over the face of
the whole earth.’’ Genesis 11:4
Abraham offers a profound contrast
to the men of Babel. He was of a
different spirit, the men of Babel
strove to build for themselves
(religion). Abraham proved time
after time his willingness to give up