was used to save Mae’s life (the SeeChange
camera) was the same that embarrassed
her parents and caused a temporary rift in
their relationship. It is worth mentioning
that though many people may not go as
fully transparent as Mae 24/7, vlogging has
The Circle is worth a watch as it explores become quite popular in the last few years
whether the advancement of technology and technology facilitates it quite well.
will eventually lead to the disappearance The modern smartphone does everything
of privacy. This topic is currently trending that a laptop, CD player, microphone and
in books, papers and discussion boards camera would do little over a decade ago.
on the internet. The question isn’t without This truly can leave people feeling unable
its basis; a quite accurate premise in my to be truly themselves because they fear
opinion and The Circle does a good job that it will hit the internet in a matter of
of showcasing the good and bad sides of seconds.
I have this fear around certain people and
Mae, experienced the benefits on the know what it feels to have something I
grounds of health, emotional support considered private posted on the internet
and even on the grounds of justice. Quite for all to see. Snapchat itself recently
early in Mae’s time working with the added a feature that allows you to know
Circle she visited the company’s doctor the exact location of a person and track
and was given a device that monitored them. This is potentially dangerous as the
all areas of her health, down to her very film dramatised.
heart rate at any given second. It was in
the form of a bracelet that never needed Technology’s impact in my opinion is
to come off. That same technology and just like a coin; it has two faces. The same
presumably others went towards her technology that makes the video camera
father helping him to live with multiple which discourages thefts and brings
sclerosis in a much more comfortable way. criminals to justice is the same technology
The SeeChange cameras had the ability which enables sexual deviants to violate
to detect changes in weather and even people’s privacy and dignity.
had facial recognition software. Not to
The technology that enables us to easily do
mention the superb quality of the videos
monetary transactions online also gives
hackers the ability to have all our account
Let’s look at life outside of the silver information and the money behind it.
screen for a bit. We can plainly see I truly believe that the technology seen
that technology has improved health in The Circle is not very far fetched; it
and increased life expectancy. Security simply combines existing technology and
systems give a sense of peace to many makes them easily accessible. The film
households and businesses all around the begs the question, will our privacy be
world. Satellites ushers us into comfort totally erased or can we find a way to live
with cable television and the internet with technology and keep our privacy?
facilitates services such as Hulu, Netflix, Give The Circle a watch and put on your
YouTube, etc. Social media is also one thinking caps. If by chance you’ve never
of the easiest ways to keep in contact thought about it before... well, THINK!
with friends and loved ones that you just
Blessings until our next film p
cannot see on a regular basis. Companies
even use social media as a way to select
By Josiah Rainford
potential employees.
youth leader, teacher,
Mae reiterates her point of transparency
being good, with the support of the
audience. Mae goes kayaking agai n,
untroubled by the drones that surround
approve, but the suggestion upsets Annie.
At the next Circle meeting, Mae says that
The Circle believes it can find anyone
on the planet in under 20 minutes.
She identifies an escaped prisoner and
within 10 minutes, Circlers around the
world find the prisoner through social
media and SeeChange cameras. Mae
suggests transparency can be a force for
good. Someone suggests that Mae finds
Mercer and Tom convinces her to do so
asking if they can break their record of 10
minutes and Mercer is located in a cabin.
Disturbed, and wanting privacy, he drives
off trying to escape those tracking via
drones, but under stress, he drives off a
bridge to his death.
Horrified, Mae moves back in with her
parents, disconnecting herself from The
Circle. Still, Mae finds that connection
with others helps her cope with Mercer’s
death and returns to The Circle, despite
her parents’ pleas.
Mae calls Ty to ask for a favor and Ty tells
her something that he has discovered.
At the next Circle meeting, Mae says
how connection has helped her recover.
She invites Tom on stage to join her and
Eamon who is already there and charges
them both to go fully transparent. She
explains how Ty has found all their
private accounts and exposes them as no
one should be exempt. Eamon and Tom,
clearly upset, try to save face before Tom As I said though, there is another side to
this scenario. The same technology that
leaves the stage.
January - March 2018
musician and film