SHARE Magazine January 2017 | Page 2

MyDevotion . today The God of Heaven - is our Father by Winston Wilson “ He answered , I am a Hebrew and I worship The LORD , the God of heaven , who made the sea and the land ” Jonah 1:9 .

MyDevotion . today The God of Heaven - is our Father by Winston Wilson “ He answered , I am a Hebrew and I worship The LORD , the God of heaven , who made the sea and the land ” Jonah 1:9 .

REFLECTION Who is this God that we worship ? Well , Jonah and to do His will . Part of that will is to share the Who supplies is this us God with a that basic we answer worship . He ? Well is “ the , Jonah God supplies of knowledge us with a of basic His salvation answer . He through is “ the God Christ of with heaven ” and as such , He is the exalted One .. He is is the lost Ruler humanity of the - universe lost in sin . His . sovereignty is not in the Ruler arena of the dispute universe nor . His power sovereignty or ability is not . He in is the God of heaven . The the arena earth is of not dispute exempt nor from His power His control or ability and . rule He . Political
He loves power sinners is but in His hates hands sin . and Sin angers
He does the what God
He is the pleases God of in heaven the affairs . of men . He establishes rulers of heaven or removes . Therefore them from , He has office provided
. Authority the means and might are in His hands and there is no power that can whereby withstand sins His can will be . forgiven . Furthermore , to
The earth His is not great exempt might from and power
His control , He is and merciful rule . and encourage forgiving us . He to keeps appropriate
His promises the means and , His He has covenants Political power
. And is He in has His appointed hands and Christians He does what to be His provided special through servants His , to Son magnify
, He has
His sent name the and
Holy to
He do pleases
His will in . Part the of affairs that of will men is to . He share establishes the knowledge
Spirit of to His convict salvation us and through urge us
Christ unto with salvation lost
. humanity rulers or - removes lost in sin them . from office . Authority
He and loves might sinners are in His but hands hates sin and . Sin there angers is no the power
The God of heaven hears and answers prayer . God of heaven . Therefore , He has provided the means that can whereby withstand sins His can will be .
He is the God of mighty deeds and wonderful forgiven . Furthermore , works to encourage . When in us difficulty to appropriate , call upon the means Him and , He He
has Despite provided His great through might His and Son power , He , has He sent is merciful the Holy will Spirit provide to convict the guidance us and urge in your us unto crisis salvation . It is this . The and God forgiving of heaven . He keeps hears and His answers promises prayer and . His He is God the God who of has mighty promised deeds to and establish wonderful an eternal works . When covenants in difficulty . And , He call has upon appointed Him and He Christians will provide Kingdom the guidance of righteousness in your crisis on . It this this earth God . who has to be promised His special to establish servants , an to eternal magnify kingdom His name of righteousness on this earth .
PRAYER : Lord , help me to listen to the Spirit . Amen WISDOM : The God of Heaven is our Heavenly Father .