our heavenly Father . Then when all was created , imagine now a beautiful vastness of billions upon billions of stars , galaxies , nebulae , suns and planets all stretching in an array of colours through an infinite , immeasurable universe . And there in all of that is us , in our Father ’ s mind waiting to be born - incredible and beyond what our minds can grasp . God is our Creator , He is our Father , we belong to Him .
Then God said , “ Let Us make man in Our image , according to Our likeness ,” Genesis 1:26
“ For You formed my inward parts ; You covered me in my mother ’ s womb . I will praise You , for I am fearfully and wonderfully made ; Marvellous are Your works , And that my soul knows very well . My frame was not hidden from You , When I was made in secret , And skillfilly wrought in the lowest parts of the earth . Your eyes saw my substance , being yet unformed . And in Your book they were all written , The days fashioned for me , When as yet there were none for me .” Psalm 139 : 13-16
We are the family of heaven We are His valuable workmanship every day , hour , moment and second was already designed in us and planned long before we were born . This is so profound we just can ’ t grasp it yet we believe it because it is the truth . Let us say thank-you Father . Amen .
“ But ye are a chosen generation , a royal priesthood , an holy nation , a peculiar people ; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light ;” 1Peter 2:9 God always wanted a family a relationship with us and the genetic code inside of us God designed it , He made us in His image . To be a family , He loves us more than we could ever know let us fellowship with Him , to honour , please and glorify Him . Our identity is in God ’ s family . He is the One who nurtures and watches over us . Our earthly parents had us and their parents had them and back and back in time we go until we get back to Adam and Eve and then us already in God ’ s heart and mind before creation . We are not like the rest of the world just treading along we have a divine calling , a divine purpose , we are royalty because we are joint heirs with King Jesus . He promised us that when He returns we will rule and reign with Him .
Ephesians 2:19 ; tells us we are now citizens of the Kingdom of God and members of God ’ s own household . We are being made part of His Holy temple a dwelling place for God . God is in us and we are in Him as we were right before the beginning of time . God created marriage , unity , relationships and all what a family is and should be . We should be so willing in our hearts to have that relationship with Him . “ For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ , from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named .” Ephesians 3 : 14-15 Have we bowed the knee in our hearts to the Father and to Jesus our Saviour ? He created our destiny so even through trial and tribulation or even if things are going well He is always there with us . Leading and guiding us by His Holy Spirit . We must stay close to Him , read the Bible , study His word , listening to His divine message to us and seek Him for who He is . He is our heavenly Father .
We have confidence that even though Adam and Eve disobeyed God He had a master plan of redemption through His beloved Son Jesus . Always in the heart of God was a plan to rescue us . Remember what Jesus did on the cross was God ’ s rescue plan for us and so let ’ s accept Him as our Lord and Saviour knowing that we couldn ’ t do it for ourselves . To know that we are His family , that eventually we will go to our true home in heaven to be with our heavenly Father and Jesus is our assurance . The loving community of a family is in the heart of God . “ God setteth the solitary in families : he bringeth out those which are bound with chains : but the rebellious dwell in a dry land .” Ephesians 68:6 Here we see that God ’ s plan is a healthy balanced and happy life in the context of family . Those who rebel against God ’ s perfect plan bear the consequences of brokenness , abuse , neglect , loneliness , etc ... Since the book of Genesis God ’ s plan for us has not changed and never will . Let us stay so close in this wonderful family of God knowing that whatever happens we are so blessed because God is sovereign and is able to work all things together for our good and He will never abandon us . Let us seek Him and praise and worship Him from the depths of our heart and soul because He so deserves it .
Prayer :
Heavenly Father how can I ever thank you . I was so wonderfully made before time began and so blessed with Your love . Help me to stay so close to You that I seek Your will in all things and love You with all my being because of who You are . Knowing You Father , Jesus my Lord and Saviour and Holy Spirit dwell in me and one day I will come home and be with You forever . Thank you . Bless Your Holy name . Amen p
by Lynda K Smith writer , proof reader , poet and Evangelist
January - March 2017 SHARE | MAGAZINE | 19