Life OF
All have sinned, either passively by
not doing the right thing, or actively
by doing the wrong thing. We
are all sinners. Some time, in the
life of a Christian, the Holy Spirit
reveals the absolute awfulness of
the selfish creature still in ourselves
(the old man / woman), who must
be crucified with Christ. When
this time arrives, it may be highly
depressing to realise that Christ
had to die for your despicableness.
When the realisation that Christ has
actually died for this materialises
- we feel humbled. Doctrinally,
we cannot continue until we stop
dwelling on the past - stop crying
over spilt milk - and continue our
Christian lives, in the knowledge
that we have repented and are truly
forgiven. If we repent and believe
then we are born-again, we can start
all over again, we have a new-life.
But to do what? Make the same old
mistakes again?
January - March 2016