New Testamen
is it
hristians often asked the question;
should I tithe? The answer is NO!
Reason? We can see no basis in the
bible for the prevailing view and teaching
on tithing as presented in Churches today.
Many things changed with the coming of
Jesus Christ. One main thing being the
laying of the foundations of the ‘Church’
and the choosing and training of Apostles/
builders to begin its building. Another is that
Jesus insisted that mere outward adherence
be replaced with inward transformation.
While under the Old Covenant tithing was
required we can find no such requirement
for the New Testament church.
The new way is giving not tithing. Cheerful
giving from a willing heart has replaced
dutiful tithing. Nowhere will you find
Jesus, who is the foundation of the church,
teaching or insisting on tithing although He
did have a lot to say about giving. Nowhere
will you find the Apostles, the builders of
the church, teaching or insisting on tithing.
However, they did have a lot to say about
giving - but did not insist on people giving
to them! If we were to list and briefly
expound the many scriptures that command
and teach giving the pages of this magazine
would not be enough to hold it.
“Freely you have received; freely give.”
(Matthew 10:8 (NIV))
I will open you the windows of heaven,
and pour you out a blessing, that you
will not have room enough to receive
SHARE|MAGAZINE January - March 2015
“If you give to others, you will be given a full
amount in return. It will be packed down,
shaken together, and spilling over into your
lap.” (Luke 6:38)
“Sell what you have and give the money to