Continued from pg 5
You have questions we’ve got answers
In a Calvinist congregation a
believer may say “I am eternally
saved, therefore I can go out and
sin, confess my sins and be forgiven,
but I can never be lost for eternity.
In an Armenian congregation I’ve
seen people profess to be saved
after a Sunday night’s preaching, get
baptized the same night, then go
out and fall into sin and return next
Sunday to be saved all over again
and get baptized. Neither of these
supports the good news Jesus or the
apostles preached.
Christ died for all, but only those
who experience living, spiritual
repentance and faith experience
deep, inner transformation from
within their spirits. Such faith
produces good works – living works,
not dead works; 2 Cor 5:14,15; Rom
10:4; James 2:26; Rom 4:1-5. is only an outward experience and
has not reached the depths of the
individual’s spirit. All those whose
faith is from the Spirit are eternally
saved and are God’s elect (chosen
ones) and they produce good works;
John 6:39; 10:27-30; 17:12 1 John
Man cannot save himself, since his
nature has been affected by the Fall
in the garden of Eden and he needs
spiritual rebirth, which only God can
give Psalms 51:5; Rom 5:12; Eph 2:1-
3; John 3:3-7; Titus 3:5. CONCLUSION: Since only God
knows who the elect (chosen ones)
are, it behooves every believer
to walk in holiness; 2 Tim 2:19.
Moreover, Paul, the apostle advised
Corinthian believers to examine
themselves to see if they were truly
IN THE FAITH; 2 Cor 13:5. p
Here therefore is a SUMMARY of
Biblical teaching:-
Election is a sovereign act of God,
Rom 9:11-20. However, God’s grace
is not irresistible; Rev 22:17.
(delivered) whose faith in Christ
comes from their soul (intellect,
emotions or will). Such a deliverance
How Far Would You Go To Win A Compliment?
No doubt I am very conscious of fashion as most young people are.
Yes, I do like to look good when I dress up. I must say however, that I
am concerned about the present trends of the Christian youth dress
culture. My concern was heightened when I saw how Meagan Good,
wife of Seventh-day Adventist pastor DeVon Franklin, dressed for
the BET awards 2013. This flung the topic of appropriate Christian
attire again into the spotlight. I was forced to ask the following
1. What does holiness look like? Would intentional sensual
dressing constitute holiness?
2. What is it about me that should get people’s attention and cause
them to glorify God and see Jesus? Would it be the revealing of
my body or the goodness and virtues of Christ in my personality
and conduct?
3. Is it right to be causing distractions with my body in public or
the house of worship?
4. Am I that insecure? Do I need attention so badly that I would
welcome even negative attention?
“In like manner also that the women in decent deportment and
dress adorn themselves with modesty and discretion…” 1 Timothy
2:8 (DARBY) See also 1 Peter 3:1-4 p
Follow link to see Meagan in the dress described above:
April - June 2018
This image is
not Meagan
but the dress
is similar
Answered by C Richard McCaw
author, music teacher and many
years as a Bible teacher