SHARE Magazine April 2018 | Page 25

that sin, its selfishness and greed has wrought. The precious lives of people like these ought not to be trivialised. Jesus Christ laid the pattern of self sacrifice and it is an ungrateful and callous thing to fully take advantage of the advances that they have achieved for us and see no connection with ourselves in carrying on that legacy in our time in our world. Where to begin? Cry out to God for the power to change, the power of inspiration, the clarity of vision and the zeal to begin to do what we are convicted by God’s Spirit every day to be right. Pray for the moral courage to say, “No! That is Not Right” and “I will not join you in such wrongdoing.” Pray for fortitude to walk alone if it comes down to it. Pray for the courage to stop trusting the paltry things of this world like money and material possessions that all get blown away by the wind, battered and tossed in torrential rain, swept away by floods and consumed by the flames of fire. They do not last. Only what we do for Christ in this world will last! If you are equally shocked along with me to learn from the news of the day that there are atrocities currently happening that we had once thought would be forever consigned to the horrible history of the past, then wake up! Slavery is rampant, sex trafficking, female castration, child marriages, abductions, human sacrifices, are all still taking place. Who will stop it? YOU and I MUST! We need to get off our computer keyboards, smartphones and media gadgets long enough to make our lives matter. Slavery was no joke and the post slavery years were not a walk in the park, lest we forget that; laws do not change the human heart, ONLY JESUS DOES! We need to read our history again and then put things into perspective, we have come a long way… long enough to have the right to rant on facebook, post statuses, ‘Tweet’, make films and yes to our shame, some go thrash private property in aimless, angry, protest or worse resort to violent crime, even the taking of innocent lives. Our anger is God given, it is the only human emotion that signals us to rise up in the face of injustice; without it we would be passive, complacent, ‘sitting ducks’ but anger has to be channelled towards a constructive target and a righteous outcome. Or else it will engulf us like a wild forest fire. If we feel lost, then look back and see how far we’ve come and from whence we’ve come. If we feel discouraged, then find strength in the example of the trail blazers and if we are lacking fortitude then find moral courage in the faith of our fathers. DO NOT BY ANY MEANS belittle the sacrifice of their lives by living as ignorant, selfish, callous, self-indulgent and indifferent people! The opposite of love is not hate it’s indifference! Like pressed flowers will you then be among the faithful in our time? “Precious are the saints in the sight of the Lord...” Pressed down but not crushed, persecuted but not forsaken” ... p Rosa Parks with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. altered the negro progress in Montgomery, Alabama, 1955, by the bus boycott she unwillingly began when she refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white person and move to the back of the bus were Negroes were consigned. She became an important symbols of the modern Civil Rights Movement and an international icon of resistance to racial segregation. Lord Shaftesbury Dediccated 44 years of his life to public service as a member of British Parliament to realise the reform of the living and working conditions of the poor and oppressed in Britain. Reforms passed included, ‘lunacy’ laws, child labor, factory, mining and Education, Jewish restoration to Israel and the suppression of opium trade among others. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil rights and peace movement leader. Camp aigns included: • Montgomery bus boycott • Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom • Youth March for Integrated Schools • Albany Movement • Birmingham campaign • Walk to Freedom • March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom • St. Augustine movement • Selma to Montgomery marches • Chicago Open Housing Movement • March Against Fear • Memphis sanitation strike • Poor People’s Campaign Harriet Beecher - Stowe Author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin- a seminal work in revealing the horrors of Slavery in the USA to readers world wide. She was considered dangerous to Southern American Slave Society. By Angela Slack educator, curriculum/ literacy specialist, technical author and magazine editor April - June 2018 SHARE | MAGAZINE | 25