A Broken Reed
Andrew’s testimony covered by Jhonelle Grant
Born Unique And Free
Everyone has a story and what
makes each unique is the fact that
it was idiosyncratically lived by an
individual with nuances and intricacies
experienced by no one else. There are
many similarities in our stories but
not enough to make any two stories
identical. This is the beauty of the
human experience; that similarities
and differences in our lives make good
So here is a story, but not just another
story, it is one lived by a young man
who we’ll call Andrew. It tells us of
his journey from brokenness and
abuse with the different nuances and
intricacies that he experienced and
how he found they led him to freedom
in Christ. Andrew, born in St. Catherine,
Jamaica to a family of seven, unlike
many Jamaicans, Andrew has lived
with his father for most of his life, after
his mother decided to leave because of
physical abuse by Andrew’s father.
to an explosion of perverted sexual
exploration. “I was introduced to gay
porn at the age of 4 and I watched and
carried out the acts with my molester,”
this Andrew believed open the door
to his heightened sexual interest. “I
became addicted to oral sex to the
point where I couldn’t control myself
once someone asked me, (usually a
male) I’d do it.
This lifestyle of sexual perversion
followed Andrew through to his
teenage years, “I was so madly in love
with attention that I masturbated in
front of some females just to get their
attention, I committed consensual
incest with my female cousin at age
13, when she was age 8 and I was
tempted to molest young males.”
“I am a big advocate for sexual purity,”
and he unashamedly shares the love
of Jesus. He however, confessed that it
isn’t the easiest of journeys considering
his colourful past and instances of
shame and guilt have arisen but he
reminds himself that this battle is not
against flesh and blood and God’s love
covers a multitude of sins.
Andrew’s encouragement:
“Give Christ a shot! Tell someone,
you will never know who you can
trust unless you extend it to them,
tell someone who you are close to,
as in a close friend. If you have no
such person, try a counsellor if you
prefer someone you’ve never seen
before. Christ has done wonders for
me, I gave my burdens to Him and
He gave me rest, His love is vast! You
are relentlessly pursued by an All
sufficient God! John 3: 16 and Romans
8: 28. You are a new creation once you
accept Christ. 2 Corinthians 5: 17.”
Andrew sought solace and attention in
academic excellence but realized that
even after doing well that people still
rejected him. He became suicidal and
thought of ways to take his life but
through the revelation of God’s spirit a
He remembers himself as a violent lady from Andrew’s church had a vision
child and attributes his aggression to of him desiring to commit suicide, this “He has taken away your sin as far as
the east is from the west. His love for
his interest in watching wrestling and became proof of God’s love for him.
you is as high as the heavens above.
the harshness he experienced from
I guarantee you, He won’t fail you.
his father. “The men in my family are Restored And Renewed!
He took nails in His hands for YOU.
promiscuous women beaters and I
He took lashes for YOU. He dealt
don’t want any of that,” Andrew added
with being insulted and betrayed by
as he shared the more than colourful
His closest friends and love ones just
history of his family.
Two young ladies from a youth for YOU. He laid down His life just
ministry shared with Andrew a real for YOU; and for those in the LGBT
A Broken Tender Stem
kaleidoscope intimate personal fellowship with God community, be honest with yourself,
of sin and generational curses where you can hear from Him and you the temporary pleasures that you
penetrated the life of little Andrew as can be honest about how you feel with enjoy are significantly less than the
his introduction to sex was through Him. He went through the process of pain and the hurt you feel when you’re
molestation between the ages of 5-14 learning and loving this great God alone.” p
by people who were close to him. This and is now passionately pursuing and
exposure did not end here but led willing shares the gospel with those he
April - June 2018