SHARE Magazine April 2018 | Page 18

Consider The Dandelion a life lesson Greeting the Golden Girls of Spring! Years ago, on a lovely sunny spring day as I was driving down our local dual carriage way I remember being wowed by the golden sea of plants that sprung up all along the embankment. It was one of the first plants that announced that winter was past and spring had begun, it was golden daffodils. So, as I came to the intersection I was able to examine the area of the verge nearest to me and there among the daffodils just as beautiful and glamorously golden were dandelions! At a glance you couldn’t tell the difference but upon closer inspection one realised that the daffodils were not alone they were infiltrated by dandelions. Y As I was pondering the beautiful sea of golden delight, I heard the voice of 18 | SHARE | MAGAZINE April - June 2018 the Lord say to me… “Consider the dandelions” I knew then that I was in for a lesson from these so called pesky weeds. This lesson was a long time in coming as I am writing this article years later and I’ve become very acquainted with dandelions over this learning period and now view them with awe and feel it is a great injustice to dismiss them as weeds. you are in for quite a fight. Weeds by definition do not produce anything useful but spread rapidly, take over and use up needed nutrients or actually become a parasite sucking and killing productive plants. The dandelions are guilty of all charges here but even so, there is much to be learned from the worthy foe of a weed. So then let me take you along my learning journey. Daffodils and dandelions both have the same beautiful golden yellow and in a sea of gold they are just as alluring! So what makes one a weed and the other a coveted flower? The Characteristic of the dandelion 1. Deliberate design. If you don’t believe me ask any gardener how difficult it is to pull out a dandelion from a flower bed or garden path. To reinforce my point try removing a daffodil and you will see the difference. It is no where near as difficult as removing a dandelion! The definition of a weed I don’t know who decides but one thing I can tell you is this... if you ever try to get rid of the dandelions