SHARE Magazine April 2018 | Page 14

WORLD Conflicts Simmering, Rumors of War Brewing Global Peace Index 2016: There are now only 10 countries in the world that are actually free from conflict According to authors of the 10th annual Global Peace Index.They are: Botswana, Chile, Costa Rica, Japan, Mauritius, Panama, Qatar, Switzerland, Uruguay and Vietnam. now-only-10-countries-in-the-world-that-are-not-at-war-a7069816.html the Cold War? Who is Biblical prophecy warns us to lookout for great rise in human conflict. Jesus told us in Matthew 24:7 to watch. Here are some things we are presently watching. “The Cold War was the geopolitical, ideological, and economic struggle between two world superpowers, the USA and the USSR, that started in 1947 at the end of the Second World War and lasted until the dissolution of the Soviet Union on December 26,1991.” +the+cold+war+fought&oq=when+was+t he+cold+w&aqs=chrome.2.0j69i57j0l4.111 40j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 New Capitalist Russia, and Neo A Russian ‘Cook Up’? Britain is caring for another former Russian spy, Sergei Skripal, now a UK citizen and his daughter, Yulia, found, unconscious on a park bench in broad daylight on 4 March in Salisbury, UK. The cause was poisoning by a nerve agent developed by Russia called Novichok. The UK government 14 | SHARE | MAGAZINE Socialist China (State Sponsored Capitalism) had resolved tensions with the USA. Until U.S president Donald J. Trump brought a mercurial tension to the White House as, he upsets world leaders in between ‘Tweets’ particularly Kim Jong Un of North Korea, a communist state and ally of China. China is the New Superpower, Russia is its ally, the U.S. is declining, Trump is keen to “Make America Great Again,” inciting a trade war with new tariffs on Chinese goods and has expelled 60 Russian diplomats in support of Britain. As we wait on the results of the USA- Korean Summit let’s pray that it doesn’t rekindle the old Cold War fire. claims they may have been exposed to it through their car’s ventilation system and from the handle on their front door. Mr. Skripal remains critically ill in hospital while his daughter is conscious and improving. story? April - June 2018 What a Chemical Soup Eh? There’s a deeper meaning the world should also take away from this latest use of a chemical weapon. Vestergaard writes in an analysis for the Stimson Center: “The threat of chemical weapons not only endures in the 21st century, but is spreading.” In the last few years, the Assad regime unleashed chemical weapons on civilians in Syria; ISIS used mustard gas in Syria and Iraq; state-sponsored assassins used the nerve agent VX to kill Kim. Jong- nam, Kim Jong-un’s half-brother. Vestergaard writes: “It seems the chemical peace is not just broken; it is shattered.” https://www.theverge. com/2018/3/19/17139338/sergei- skripal-poison-russian-spy-uk