SHARE Magazine April 2017 | Page 2 Endurance and Then Enthronement “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” Hebrews 12:2 REFLECTION Having a certain and fixed goal in life will order to bring us salvation. Jesus did not merely Who is hardships, this God that we and worship? Well, Jonah supplies us the with human a basic family answer. is “the God of for make trials various challenges, enter by He His incarnation, heaven” and as such, He is the exalted One. He is the Ruler of the universe. His sovereignty is not in conquerable. The vexations, the pains, the that was necessary if salvation was to be made the arena of the dispute nor recede His power ability. He is the God of heaven. shame and agony into or nothingness a possibility. Being here, He did not malinger, try The earth is not exempt from His control and rule. Political power in His He does what to as set goals loom larger and with more luster to sidestep or is use any hands other and devious means He pleases in the affairs men. He establishes or removes them from responsibility office. Authority and a and brilliance. Jesus was of motivated by the joy of rulers escape the tremendous of saving might are in His hands and there is no power that can withstand His will. His fixed goal and did not flinch when the path lost world. He willingly gave up His precious life Despite His great struck might Him and with power, He is merciful and forgiving. He most keeps testing His promises and His that to achievement great violence. for us, under the circumstances covenants. And He has appointed Christians to be His special servants, to magnify His name and He did not call upon twelve legions of angels to this life could ever offer. to do His will. Part the of Cross. that will is to share the knowledge of His salvation through Christ with lost rescue Him from Today, the glorified Christ is enthroned in humanity - lost in sin. To the prize, He hates had to endure the dreadful Heaven, our praises ascend. Meanwhile He obtain loves sinners but sin. Sin angers the God of heaven. where Therefore, He has provided the agony of the cross. The path to the exalted throne let us endure as good soldiers means whereby sins can be forgiven. Furthermore, to encourage us to appropriate all the hardships, means, He for would not be deterred by shameful exposure. shall crowned if we abide faithful in Him. has provided through His Son, He has sent the He Holy we Spirit to be convict us and urge us unto salvation. also scorned the shame that He endured at the Are your eyes fixed on Jesus? The God of heaven hears and answers prayer. He is the God of mighty deeds and wonderful works. hands vile sinners and being rejected God in When of in difficulty, call upon Him and He of will provide the guidance in your crisis. It is this God who has promised to establish an eternal kingdom of righteousness on this earth. PRAYER: Lord, help me to fix my eyes on Jesus. Amen WISDOM: Christ must be Lord of all or not Lord at all. Devotion For April 1, 2017 by Winston Wilson