We have been given the gift of faith from a sovereign God and if we choose not to use it how can we please Him ; if we treat it as a rejection of such Divine power ?
“ By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God , so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible .” Hebrews 11:3
Here we read that God created the universe He created all things . We can ’ t see what He created them out of but we can see the evidence of the things He created . He created us and we believe by faith it is the truth . lt was His will that it was so . When we pray it must be in the will of God . “ Your will be done .” If the answer is no we must not be disappointed because it is counterproductive . If we have said , “ Your will be done .” we must exercise our faith , trusting God that He knows what is best for us . We may have to wait sometimes for the answer ; so have faith that He is working it out and He knows the best way of doing it .
Faith is needed in all circumstances , it is the opposite of fear . Not trusting God is disobedience and rejecting the gift of faith He gave us . How can He act on our behalf if we don ’ t trust Him ? He won ’ t even hear us ! If we feel faint hearted in circumstances we must ask the Holy Spirit to come and help and strengthen us . To help us know what to pray and find out what is in God ’ s heart for us .
When trials come along and we turn immediately to the One who has all the answers we are learning to grow in faith . It is a journey . Whatever our position is in life we have a greater position in Jesus our
Lord and Saviour . “ Not that I have already attained , or am already perfected ; but I press on , that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me . Brethren , I do not count myself to have apprehended ; but one thing I do , forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead . I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus .” Philippians 3:12-14
Paul here has grown in spiritual maturity . He has asked God to forgive him , he did not dwell on all his past mistakes or failures he knew all now was covered with the blood of Jesus , he moved on . His heart was now on the great prize — Jesus . That was it . He had many , many trials but knowing who he was in Jesus his faith must have soared like an eagle . He pressed on .
We may not rejoice in our trials but we can most certainly rejoice in Jesus . Think about how God may be changing us in our trials ; we gain so much more when our faith and trust is in Him who controls everything . Paul did not look back he knew Jesus had dealt with his past , God was his future and he trusted God in faith that whatever came God would help him through .
“ But seek ye first the Kingdom of God , and His righteousness ; and all these things shall he added unto you . Take therefore no thought for the morrow : for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself . Sufficient unto the day the evil thereof .” Matt . 6:33-34
What is the point of worrying , getting anxious and stressed out ? It is a useless thing . It achieves absolutely no results in circumstances , it ’ s like sitting in a rocking chair going backwards and forwards and getting nowhere . We all do it but if we first seek God , as hard as it might be in some trials , He will hear us .
Jesus gave us a totally different way of looking at things so that we can conquer the habit of worry , fear and stress . In Matthew 6:25-26 Jesus told us not to worry . Look at nature , birds and animals . He told folks look how God takes care of them . He told them to have divine outlook on all things because God is more than able to take care of us . Seek God and His Kingdom He knows what we need and when we will need it .
So don ’ t worry . Let us use the wonderful and precious gift of faith from the wonderful , Creator of all things , God Almighty .
Prayer Father God thank you for Your wonderful gift of faith . We are so blessed that we have been forgiven because of the blood of Jesus . That with confidence we can come to You in times of trials and in times of joy knowing that You hear us . We ask that Your Holy Spirit helps us to pray in Your will because You always know what we need and what is best for us and when we pray for others . Thank you . Amen . p
By Lynda K Smith writer , proof reader , poet and Evangelist
April - June 2017 SHARE | MAGAZINE | 15