Volume 4 - Issue 2
About Us
Christian quarterly that deals
topics that have been mostly
ignored or left unanswered.
The magazine includes written
articles, poems and thoughts
etc. Read our online version at
where you can discuss articles
or order a printed version. If you
would like to submit articles,
join our writers group, or to get
involved in any other way kindly
email us. SHARE MAGAZINE is
produced by Select Arrow, which
is the publishing arm of United
In Christ.
Jesus In
Who Jesus was has
been long debated
subjected to the
of those who have faithfully recorded
the facts. Thanks to the writers of the
New Testament gospels, the Dead Sea
Scrolls, the Jewish Torah and secular
historians like Josephus, Tacitus and
others. Any biography of Jesus is bound
to be subjected to bias. If the records of
His life have been consistently biased,
then we have been given consistent
errors. The creation of Christianity in a
Roman framework under the emperor,
Constantine, is clearly evidence of this.
Historians may consider some questions
irrelevant, such as: Who was Jesus? What
did He look like? Was He really God
or just a man? or Was He The Jewish
Messiah? However, what makes Jesus
Christ a relevant Political, Social and
Historical figure is the influence that He
has had and His significant impact on
Human History. So much has been done
in His name and for His sake, in direct
response to His teachings with both
positive and negative outcomes that He
could not be ignored historically.
April - June 2016
The relevance of faith
Who Jesus is becomes a very deeply
personal question for those who believe
in Him, otherwise why would anybody
still choose to follow a 2000 year old
teacher? Were it not for the rapid spread
of Christianity, no one but the diligent
historian or Jewish theologian would care
about who Jesus is. Although Jesus was
Jewish and was rejected by the religious
and Roman leaders of His time, yet
because His disciples spread His teaching
throughout the world, He has had such
an enduring influence on world history
and politics. The lives of committed
believers will continue to influence many
people worldwide to find a personal
encounter with Jesus Christ. He is still
looming large and is still relevant today.
Replacing myth with reality
So the real question for Historians is not,
who Jesus is or who people say He is, nor
what He said of Himself because none of
these can be absolutely proven through
historical records alone, we simply were
not there. We can however, ask why are
so many people still following Him, what
is it that they find in Him that moves
them to martyrdom, that has moved
Emperors, Kings, pagans and paupers
alike to follow Him so unreservedly?
Throughout this magazine the
editor & contributors seek to
present a balanced and accurate
view of Scripture’s teaching. We
are all on a journey of studying
and understanding God’s Word.
Because of this, all we can offer
is as balanced an understanding
as the Holy Spirit has offered
us at this time. The views or
opinions represented in this
publication are personal to each
of our contributors and may
not fully represent those of any
other contributor or editor.
Scriptures quoted are from the
Contemporary English Version
(CEV) unless otherwise stated.
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are from Christian organisations.
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