In Praise of Hymn
All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name
1All hail the power of Jesus ’ Name ! Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem , and crown Him Lord of all . Bring forth the royal diadem , and crown Him Lord of all .
Crown Him , ye morning stars of light , Who fixed this floating ball ; Now hail the strength of Israel ’ s might , and crown Him Lord of all . Now hail the strength of Israel ’ s might , and crown Him Lord of all .
Ye seed of Israel ’ s chosen race , ye ransomed from the fall , Hail Him Who saves you by His grace , and crown Him Lord of all . Hail Him Who saves you by His grace , and crown Him Lord of all .
Sinners , whose love can ne ’ er forget the wormwood and the gall , Go spread your trophies at His feet , and crown Him Lord of all . Go spread your trophies at His feet , and crown Him Lord of all .
Let highborn seraphs tune the lyre , and as they tune it , fall Before His face Who tunes their choir , and crown Him Lord of all . Before His face Who tunes their choir , and crown Him Lord of all .
4Crown Him , ye martyrs of your God , who from His altar call ; Extol the Stem of Jesse ’ s Rod , and crown Him Lord of all . Extol the Stem of Jesse ’ s Rod , and crown Him Lord of all .
Hail Him , ye heirs of David ’ s line , Whom David Lord did call , The God incarnate , Man divine , and crown Him Lord of all , The God incarnate , Man divine , and crown Him Lord of all .
Let every tribe and every tongue before Him prostrate fall And shout in universal song the crownèd Lord of all . And shout in universal song the crownèd Lord of all .
Reviewing Great Christian Hymns
Reverend E . P . Scott was a missionary , in India during the 1800s . Prompted by the Holy Spirit , he set out alone to visit a remote village , determined to share the Gospel with a savage tribe . A large group of warriors surrounded him , each one pointing a spear towards his heart . Expecting to die , he decided to use his last breaths to glorify God . He closed his eyes , and began to play his violin and sing All Hail the Power of Jesus Name , in the native language of the warriors . Opening his eyes , he saw those mighty warriors , with tears in their eyes , every spear lowered . Scott spent much time with this tribe and the remainder of his life , sharing the love of Jesus . All Hail the Power of Jesus Name has been hailed as the “ National Anthem of Christendom .” It was written in 1779 by Rev . Edward Perronet ( 1726-1792 ) The music was composed by Oliver Holden ( 1765-1844 ). The hymn has been translated into almost every existing language . [ 1 ]
1 . www . sharefaith . com / guide / Christian-Music / hymns-the-songs-and-the-stories / all-hail-the-power-of-jesus-the-song-and-the-story . html
April - June 2016 SHARE | MAGAZINE | 33