SHARE Magazine April 2016 | Page 28
Note To Self...
(Oh my God!)
4 REAL!!!
So you know Him? He’s My God I love Him!
What, you’re not a Christian, you have no religion?
Oh! I see, just an expression.
I’m so hurt, so disappointed,
He’s really dear to me, ever near to me,
He’s my King, my everything.
So you don’t even believe in Him,
you are not interested in following Him?
Why then do you call on Him?
Seems incongruous to call on God
if you are not even religious.
What’s all the fuss about ?
Let’s sort it out.
He is God, yes above all you can ever think or imagine.
He’s not an apparition,
He transcends explanation.
The miracle is, I know Him, experience Him
Talk to Him and above all serve Him.
© Angela Slack
No, He doesn’t need me to defend Him!
The question is, do you really want to offend Him?
I wouldn’t mess with someone I didn’t know
there is no sense in that.
Be wise, approach with caution, treat with respect like a
Today you may be bragging and boasting,
Tomorrow life may leave you coasting.
In your hour of need you may really have to call on Him,
Would be great to know that you have not blown your
last chance of Him answering.
April - June 2016