The Prophetic P
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I always loved bicycles from my youth to the point where I taught myself to ride but on someone else ’ s bike . I remember one summer , while staying by my cousin ’ s , we discovered my older cousin ’ s bike locked away . He was grown up and not living at home anymore . Though that bike had no tires on its rims we rode it day after day on the dirt path that extended along the half acre backyard . I was about nine years old then but as I grew older and lived in different places I would have friends with bikes that I would borrow to ride and keep my skills up . It was a bit difficult and even embarrassing at times , to be always borrowing and especially in a country where bicycles were a novelty and expensive .
I was an only child living with a single parent , my mother . She could not easily afford a bicycle but at about 10 years of age my mother told me that she had contacted my father and months before the national exam agreed to buy me a bicycle if I passed . This was a major exam taken by all primary school students who would either move on to high school , or if they failed be transferred to the local secondary school . This news made me very happy and I dreamt about my promised bicycle everyday . I wanted what was then the ‘ Chopper bicycle ’ complete with a padded seat that had a back rest . Like hippy bikes , it had raised ‘ v ’ type handles , a smaller front tire and a larger , broader rear tire . I rode a friend ’ s once and was just totally elated by the experience . My hopes were sky high .
Having taken the exam I could not wait to hear the results . However , the marking process of that national exam took a couple of months , so we finally received our results months later . I passed , and what a glorious day that was . Hurray !! I had done my part , now it was time for my parents to do their part to fulfil their promise and deliver my Chopper Bicycle .
Like earthly parents our Heavenly Father has also given many great and precious promises . The greatest of these was the promise of His son Jesus Christ . As a mother ’ s pregnancy promises new birth so time was pregnant with the promise of Jesus , and in the fullness of time He was born . The coming of Jesus was no secret . Thousands of years before His birth in Bethlehem , His coming was prophesied .
There is overwhelming evidence to support the fact that from the very fall of Adam and Eve God had communicated through prophecy and symbolism , the coming of a Redeemer that would set right what Adam had lost . Jesus ’ coming was prophesied in the garden of Eden , when God told the devil that the Seed of the woman would crush his head . The first animal killed was killed by God and it ’ s skin was used to cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve . This was very symbolic of Jesus as the Lamb of God shedding His blood to cover our sins .
When Abraham took his son , Isaac , up the mountain to sacrifice him as God commanded , Isaac asked ; “‘ Look , the fire and the wood , but where is the lamb for a burnt offering ?’ And Abraham said , ‘ My son , God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering .’” Abraham knew this by revelation and through relationship with God , and so was assured that God would send His own lamb to die in place of Isaac . With this knowledge , Abraham was confident that either he would not die , or God would raise him from the dead .
Jesus was , “... the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world .” ( Rev 13:8 .). Many symbolisms and prophecies in the scriptures point to the coming of Jesus . In fact , the entire Old Testament scripture was about Jesus . So great was the expectation of Jesus ’ arrival on earth that when He was born angels sang . As John the Baptist saw what Abraham spoke of thousands of years before , he exclaimed , “ Behold ! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world !” ( John 1:29 ). When Simeon saw Him he exclaimed , “ My eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all peoples , a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles , and the glory of
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