When did the church first start ?
After the resurrection , in Acts of the Apostles chapter 2 , by the power of God , the Holy Spirit was outpoured on the apostles of Jesus Christ . This was , the beginning of the Church , an amazing supernatural happening , born of God and not of men . Peter , the apostle , was the first to stand up and explain what had happened . As you follow the book of Acts through you will see how the power of God was demonstrated through some amazing men .
“ So the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch ” ( which is in North West Syria ). Acts 11:26 That took place over 2000 years ago at the birth of the church of Jesus Christ which was not just another religion !
Why so many religions ?
Before I gave my life to Jesus Christ , I often asked the question , “ Why are there so many religions ?” without any real clarity given to me . Since then , over 40 years now , I have also been asked the same question many times . Church history provides very clear answers to this question . We can begin to name many but the most known ones are Catholic , Protestant , Methodist , Baptist , Evangelical etc . There are other less popular ones like the
Church of Scientology , Buddhism , Hinduism and many others too numerous to mention . Then you have cults which may also practice some form of religion .
People today want a multifaith society like the New Age movement or the ‘ All Faiths and None ’ ( AFAN ) movement . We have gone so far from the truth and practice of the early church that Jesus the Son of God is now left knocking on the door of most churches ( Revelation 3:19 ). Jesus explained that He was the only way to God ( John 14:6 ).
God ’ s power has not stopped working through mankind since the day of Pentecost . Many of us believers have stopped looking to God and are looking to movements and people . We want to be approved by men . Often we follow our own thoughts or ways instead of God ’ s , which are higher than ours . We expelled the Holy Spirit out of meetings and only mention Him in prayer or song . The reality of the Holy Spirit seems to have disappeared from many Churches , we seem afraid to let Him guide . We need to return to our roots .
Scripture states that , God hates division and the man through whom that division comes ( Proverbs 6 ). No wonder we are not seeing the power of God move among the churches today as we did in the past .
Where is the Church ?
There are many religions and cults but only one true faith remains and that is in the Son of God who takes away the sins of the world . Sin so easily besets us , and no movement of men can make an atonement for sin . Jesus is the Truth and He is alive . He only , has the keys to death and hell having overcame death on the cross . All we have to do is repent and believe . Jesus said , “ If I am lifted up above the earth , I will make everyone want to come to me .” John 12:32 .
May you be drawn to the real Jesus , who was resurrected and is still Alive . He died for our sins and loves us with an everlasting love . He is not part of any manmade movement . He made man and only He can move the hearts of men . He is the movement , He is the only Way !
He is knocking at the doors of many hearts today . If He is knocking at yours , will you open and let Him in ? p
By Barbara Payne intercessor , worship leader , retired minister and Divorce Care counsellor
April - June 2016 SHARE | MAGAZINE | 21