our faith but how justifiable was this?
Jesus never advocated violence as
the answer to any conflict and the
sincerity of believer’s was misguided.
Jesus was isolated and disassociated
from His Jewish heritage and
appeared in medieval art and
literature as a european sage.
Sadly, that period of history has
engendered the most deep rooted,
long term causes of anti-semitism,
Christianity and subsequent, heresy,
apostasy and atheism. A study of the
Crusades, Inquisitions and the role
of the Jesuits in turning Jesus into
‘The Grim Reaper’ will prove this.
The Renaissance brought us out of
The Dark Ages and was the catalyst
for a Protestant Reformation of the
Catholic Church and it rescued the
bloodstained image of Jesus Christ
from the battlefields of the war torn
Medieval Realms.
Jesus, The Pirate Ship Captain
Next, we witnessed the rise of The
British Empire. In this era, Jesus is
a Russell Crowe esque, Master and
Commander, of the high seas. This
was the “Golden Age Of Exploration
And Expansion”, where the Globe
was assuaged by a plundering
horde of europeans competing
under the banner: