Shantih Journal Issue 2.2 | Page 84

The Shower Crystal j. zanders Lathering off the why won’t they tell us anything, and the cold zone in the hospital hallway with the faded sign that for the ICU and the con- vulsions and the nausea and the resurgence of mama’s Mexican lasagna and the nurse’s identification of the black beans and the not quite conscious conversations and the whatisyourfullname whereareyou whatistodaysdate and the uncomfortable glances when you begin crying again and everyone pretends not to notice. 84 Scrubbing off the scent of flowers, antiseptic, and a desperate sort of cheerfulness and the dance of chairs and the waiting room and the bath- room and your room and eat a couple more bites and five episodes of Friends and and the search for a toilet that doesn’t collect urine samples and the nurse’s expression when you ask if you can go outside and the conversations about hair and the conversations about actors and the closed door conversations, conversations that you say make you paranoid. Rinsing away the it is not a crazy house and the asylum is what they called it back in 1910 and the say “hospital” or “facility” and the should we pack the summer’s eve and the wide tooth plastic comb not the metal rat tailed comb and the final hug and the normalcy of see you on Tuesday and the elation and regret and relief and resignation as they release us from the locked waiting room and we breathe in the cool night air.