Shantih Journal Issue 2.2 | Page 103

Deceptive Origami beth Mcdonough Greyed in from the Baltic, that car-stacked shade longs by Abertay sands silents the river’s gullet at floodtide. Behind cafe-thick glass some woman thinks a smile stills out at that passing achromatic bulk. Past damp sleet-leak, this vessel darks towards cloud-burn, into the bright shaft, onto oiled light’s unlikely spill. Napkin soft, she folds that sharked form into small squat fishing boat comfort shapes her Craigie Aitchison boat. Her head curves to conversations. Next table’s forensic experts sift autopsies, dig how we lived, able to scalpel facial misery wastes remaining in muscles or happiness read from the habitual click wear of jaws. She accepts whatever floats their boats. 103