Shantih Journal 3.1 | Page 66

all the time . Liquefy into one single substance . Eventually , only through careful smelling and tasting could anyone guess what we use to be –– what we really are . I smile , “ Yeah , I suppose I know a couple of Hondurans you could be interested in .”
2 . Clean and cut 2 pounds of either pork or chicken ( according to preference ) into small pieces .
“ In immigration they won ’ t ask you : Where are you coming from ? Where are you going ? Why ? How ? With who ’ s money ? How long will you stay ? No , no , you ’ re too white for that ,” Ligia tells me . She ’ s right ; they have never asked me anything at all , and I had always wondered how come everybody else in front of me in line seemed to take forever to be allowed into the country .“ I ’ m light skin , not white ,” I say , defeated . But she ’ s wrong . They can see my passport , they can hear my accent , they can read my last name . Light skin doesn ’ t make me white . Its pork or chicken . White or not . It can ’ t be both .
3 . Once clean and cut , place meat inside a container and season with salt , pepper , and a little of the mix from step one . Set aside for the time being .
“ I love Cinco de Mayo ,” my first college roommate tells me . I nod , not really sure of what I can say to that . I ’ ve seen her tweets about the “# TrumpTrain .” My family was very clear : It ’ s not your country , so don ’ t say anything about the election . Leave it be . Her retweets about building the wall and getting rid of all the “ illegals ” plague my feed . I keep my mouth shut , as she yells at the T . V on the nights of the debates . A piece of a chicken nugget flies from her mouth as she screams , “ Fucking Crooked Hillary wait till ’ we drain the swamp , bitch .” On May 5th , she uploads pictures wearing a sombrero , along with some caption in faulty Spanish and the taco emoji . On May 5th , she doesn ’ t mind the salt and the pepper and the mix of tomatoes and chilies and onions . She can embrace these things for one day . The next 364 days though , she sets aside the seasoned