Here we go again. Can you really believe that we are going to tamper with the
Moon? Or should we say we have already done so. Most of the time when this kind
of news is release it is already done.
To tamper with the subtle vibration coming from moon is a very dangerous move
knowing the subtle consequences.
The moon is the closest celestial object to our Mother Earth. Already it is recognize
for the effect that it has on the weather patterns, mood swings and other health challenges.
Today it has been planned to build a robot that could actually catch an asteroid and
bring it closer to the moon to be studied more intensely.
Questions began to pop in the mind. Has it already been done with the many weather
changes we have today? The mindset of the people on the planet has changed a lot
could this have something to do with it?
Science has found that electromagnetic fields, sound waves, electricities, and the
ethers are continently beating up against our bodies these they admit have an effect
on who we are.