Learning Strand:
The learning strand that this relates to is global environment for business and in specific to innovation/invention. This relates to this topic because it is a new invention that the Company plans to create in order the improve technology for the world and people. The Toyota Company plans to bring success in global markets and its environment because of such an innovative invention. It is also bringing a change in its business’s technology because they are spending 1 billion dollars to research and get the new technology in order to create and execute these robotic cars.
Opinion and Thoughts:
My opinion on this article is that it is very innovative and creative to see that Toyota has come up with such a unique idea. It seems so unrealistic that there could potentially be cars that can operate themselves with no drivers present. If it was invented, I feel that would be very efficient for everyone and people would not have to rely on others to drive them places. Driving would be more independent for people. The only concerning part of this invention is that it is worrisome to leave a robot in charge operating a vehicle. I feel that, that may be a factor that may not want people to have the robotic cars. It could be dangerous if there are errors within the system and that may be life threatening to those within the car as well.
The 5 W's Breakdown:
Who: The Toyota Motor Corp. company within Tokyo.
What: The Toyota Company plans to spend 1 billion dollars on research in order to invent robotic cars that operate themselves.
When: The research starts in January and they hope to invent in the year 2020.
Where: It is taking place in Tokyo, Japan.
Why: They are inventing the cars in order to improve human errors with driving would like to create a safer driving environment for all.
How: They plan to execute it is by creating a research institute that researches on robotics technology and the intelligence of it and once all the research and tests have been confirmed and successful, there will be operations to manufacture the cars.