Shanghai Running Magazine Volume 3 | Page 35

In Search of a Signal : A Runner goes looking for the perfect running mate. by Ray Heraty It was about 30kms in where I said, Sod it. I’ve had enough. I finished the race, but drew a line in the sand. That had been 10 road marathons in about as many months and I wasn’t really enjoying them anymore. I also wasn’t improving – in fact I was slowing down and I could feel the fatigue in several ways. Apart from tired legs, I was no longer feeling that nervous excitement on the start line and no longer enjoyed the flights, late nights and early mornings involved with getting to the start. I looked at my running schedule and crossed all the remaining road races off the list. I kept the trail ultras and that has been where most of my running interest has been for the last 18 months or so. But inevitably I have felt the call of the marathon luring me back. I decided that I needed a new approach to marathon racing and that I should only do road races where I would put in a real effort to accomplish something new. For me that meant shooting for a Boston Qualifying time; 3 hours 15 mins for my age group. I selected a race (Naperville Marathon) and I selected a training plan (Brad Hudson’s “Run Faster” program), put everything into my Excel Traini