Shamanic Vision: Living Life through the Eyes of the Heart Issue # 7: 2nd Quarter, 2018 | Página 12

Bring your Heart to work with you Assuming you are not making weapons of mass destruction , bring your heart to work with you .
Love what you do . Ever see someone doing a task you can never imagine doing and they have a smile on their face ? The know of a secret . It ' s their in their smile .
Say you work on a cooking line . Smile as you sauté your onions . I bet you will have far fewer returns .
Have you ever Blessed the end product of your work ? Say you make widgets or you balance the books for a horrid little fellow in Mumbai who drools when ever you walk into his office ... regardless , offer a Blessing to the end product .
“ I Bless these widgets ... may they be of benefit to all those who use them . May these widgets make someone ' s day brighter .”
“ I Bless Mr . Drool and his books for the truth both display . A-ho !”
Keep a sense of Humor Who ever said that Spiritual Practice needs a dour face and a sense of seriousness must have been kicked out of a monastary for being frightfully dull and a stick in the mud .
When you carry the Gift , the Medicine of Laughter , you are the Trickster . You are the one who can make others laugh at you while absorbing teachings about themselves . Become someone that people want to be around rather than the odd , silent one who mutters to himself in the corner of the office . Engage with others and share your Life with theirs . The richest friendships are often found from co-workers .