Shamanic Vision: Living Life through the Eyes of the Heart Issue #5: September, 2017 | Page 18

We find excuses: "I am not will happen in divine time...I have yet not figured out how to do it...I don't have enough time...I don't have money... my family won't allow it...I will do it when my children grow up, or when I have a holiday or when I retire or when I have sufficient time or a comfortable bank balance.... And so,,we go on and on and on, stopping ourselves from taking that Leap of Faith into the unknown. We postpone doing what we intend to do all the time. We don't take the leap and dive into it. We don't walk a single step. We don't dive into our fears and are frightened to start peeling off layers of restrictions and the fears which help would allow us to look far beyond these projections. Instead, we postpone. We stay put. We become frozen. What happens then? Life or The Universe or Divinity (whichever name you wish to give it) passes by you, while you marvel at the life of others even though you may cry within or complain of your own lack or of “being stuck.” So what's the magic solution? Can my life change over night? Maybe yes or maybe not. So what do I need to do?