Shamanic Vision: Living Life through the Eyes of the Heart Issue #5: September, 2017 | Página 7
From biblical prophets who walked alone
into the desert to fast and pray for divine
revelation to tribal people setting out into
the wilderness to search for a vision, the
pursuit of an inner world—a world beyond
everyday physical reality—is one of
humankind’s oldest quests.
For thousands of years, the primary task
in life within many indigenous cultures,
was about developing a relationship of
appreciation, gratitude, and respect with
this Unknown. Creating, nurturing and
sustaining this relationship led to a sense
of belonging and understanding how one
was a part of the universe and brought the
strong sense of having a home. This
resulted in deep feelings of peace, and a
feeling of wonder, purpose and a
connection with all parts of creation.
The importance of these practices are just
as important and valid in our would today.
Going on a Quest is a powerful way to
reinvent yourself and reclaim a sense of
wonder and connection to the earth, above
and also within.