Shamanic Vision: Living Life through the Eyes of the Heart Issue #4 June 1st, 2017 | Page 17
Honoring your true Essence and worth is FREEDOM
By Neelam Nanwani
All bridges can't be healed. Some bridges need to be burnt or broken. All that is broken can't be mended. Some
breakages have to be let go.
Not all are at the level of your own frequency and some battles are just not worth fighting for.
People whom you stand up for will sometimes also find way s to let you down. Don't take them personally. They are also
your teachers trying to teach you to value your own worth. Choosing between speaking your truth and fighting for your
rights and knowing which battles not to fight can be a tricky road many times.
Choosing between drawing boundaries and yet not closing your heart does carry the potential of bringing in deep seated
sorrow and being cut out from the rest.
Yes indeed, life is a test and pain galore.
Build a tribe that vibes and choose the family that counts.
Nothing is more valuable than your own worth.
Never allow anyone's words crush that. Hold yourself in high regard and no matter how cruel and painful some words
are, find the courage to forgive and let go....
Not for them.... for your own self.
Always remember that you are far more worthy and deserving than what you can see /feel /envision in the current
Shamanic Vision 2 nd Qtr 2017