Shamanic Vision: Living Life through the Eyes of the Heart Issue #1, Fall 2016 | Page 21

The Grandfather leaned close, his hand cupped his ear; “My ears have grown faint over the years my child from the noise of thunder and rain and of snow. Please, speak up so we can all hear the music of your voice.” The young girl looked up. “I have never heard any of the stories of Standing Deer. Who is he?” Grandfather brought his hands together, rubbed and slowly parted them as if opening up a book. As he did so, a shadow of a young boy flew across the room. The children gasped. “Then we shall begin at the beginning.” <><><> At the time of this story, it was the eleventh Summer of Standing Deer. He forgot the first and the second was only a memory of brown skin and the massage of his mother's back as she performed her daily chores. From the third summer, he could recall. The people watched Standing Deer. They point out and say things such as; “Did you see Standing Deer help the Grandfather this morning?” or “Standing Deer helped Grandmother with her firewood....” He was also helpful to the younger ones, sharing the things he had learned from his Grandfather, such things as plants and berries and also that which he had learned from watching animals. And with his peers, Standing Deer was helpful; he would tell stories and jokes and was a friend to many. The Elders saw this and they kept him in the back of their minds. 21