Shamanic Vision: Living Life through the Eyes of the Heart #6, 1st Qtr 2018 | Page 27
Standing Deer tilted his head to the side; “How does one do this?”
Grey Fox then began to walk further on into the glen. “Step in my tracks...follow my footsteps. If you can!”
Grey Fox moved onward. Standing Deer remained in place...for there were no footprints!
“How are you doing that!?!” called out the pupil.
“It is not something that is simply is!”
Standing Deer tried. His footprints had more purpose to them, however they still left definite impressions
in the snow.
“You can not expect to do this overnight Standing Deer. But carry lightness in your Heart. Tell your feet to
honor the Earth Mother and that you wish to touch her heart with Love, not Anger. Breath as you walk, and
allow your heart to soar with the Eagles on currents of rising air.”
It took many years for Standing Deer to master this. But, oh the lessons he learned along the Way!
Shamanic Vision Issue #6, 1 st Quarter 2018
Page 27