Shamanic Vision: Living Life through the Eyes of the Heart #6, 1st Qtr 2018 | Page 25

Standing Deer closed his eyes a few moments doing what he was asked. Though he had never seen the place before, he set off for it. Grey Fox followed behind, keeping a number of steps between himself and his student. They walked through virgin snow, along new trails, over frozen creeks, under frozen branches and scraped by dried twiggy brush. Finally, Standing Deer stopped at the opening of a quite glen, far far from home. It was new to him. A fear passed through him that he may not know how to return home, but he had faith in Grey Fox—he knew everything; he would know how to get them back. Grey Fox spoke from behind; “You walk with pounding footsteps, Standing Deer. You leave a mark in the snow as if your name should be “Stomping Bear!” Standing Deer turned and looked at his teacher. Grey Fox simply moved aside and Standing Deer saw what his teacher meant. His footfalls had plunged into the snow, building mounds, throwing splatters of snow here and there; at times he could see where his heals had come down hard and at others, how his feet had slipped on some muddy ice. “It is not easy land to walk upon, Grey Fox.” Grey Fox gave one of his grunts, the grunt that advised “Pay attention Young Man!” Standing Deer was all ears.... Shamanic Vision Issue #6, 1 st Quarter 2018 Page 25