Shamanic Vision: Living Life through the Eyes of the Heart #6, 1st Qtr 2018 | Page 22

Women Are Sacred By Mac Lopez To the Men (If you are a real Man, you will read this in its entirety) Women Are Sacred. The cycle of life for the woman is the baby, girl, woman, and grandmother. These are the four directions of life. She has been given by natural laws, the ability to reproduce life. The most sacred of all things is life. Therefore, all men should treat her with dignity and respect. Never was it our way to harm her mentally or physically. Indian men were never abusers. We always treated our women with respect and understanding. So from now on: 1. I will treat women in a sacred manner. The Creator gave women the responsibility for bringing new life into the world. Life is sacred, so I will look upon the women in a sacred manner. In our traditional ways, the woman is the foundation of the family. I will work with her to create a home atmosphere of respect, security and harmony. I will refrain from any form of emotional or physical abuse. If I have these feelings, I will talk to the Creator for guidance. I will treat all women as if they were my own female relatives. This is my vow. 2. Treat every woman from the tiniest child to the oldest one with respect at all times. Always treat a woman with honor and consideration. 3. The Old Ones say the Native American women will lead the healing among the tribes. Inside them are the powers of love and strength given by the Moon and the Earth. When everyone else gives up, it is the women who sings the songs of strength. She is the backbone of the people. So, to our women we say, sing your songs of strength; pray for your special powers; keep our people strong; be respectful, gentle, and modest. Shamanic Vision Issue #6, 1 st Quarter 2018 Page 22