Shamanic Vision: Living Life through the Eyes of the Heart #6, 1st Qtr 2018 | Page 19
The Yellow Wall—a space I stumbled upon as I slowed down!
By Shilpi Chawla
This week I decided to slow down in my pace. Since nothing else made sense, I felt like this was the only
choice and way to be moving forward on my path.
For those of us who like to be busy and in the world running around (which is almost all of us) will know
how challenging it can be to s-l-o-w down.
The mind resists anything that is feeding the soul at first. It is used to the chatter and finds home in the
chaos. While the helter-skelter nature of a day full of activities and lists of things to complete presents its
own issues, so does the reverse which is to s-l-o-w down the schedule and trim the hurriedness.
I realised that I was on my own as I explored this phase of learning on how to take it easy.
Breathe in...Breathe out...and Aho! You are feeling more alive and present to what is in the moment.
As I started to give more attention to small tasks that I was accomplishing like writing out a piece of work
or getting some work done at home, my mind would barge in to let me know that I was loosing out on
something which seemed more important than the thing that had all my attention and focus.
Each day as I sat down to write out my Time Diary which is a new way of organising your resources and
looking at every week afresh, my mind was determined to show me it was a futile effort in management.
Moving forward, my intuition stayed strong and I knew I could count on it. So, I kept breathing
consciously, and each day—in the first few hours of waking up—I would set an INTENTION to stay
aligned to my purpose.
Shamanic Vision Issue #6, 1 st Quarter 2018
Page 19