Gather with family and friends or do this alone , while directing healing and loving intention to the Earth Mother , assisted by the Light and Power of the Moon .
This is an on going event . Please join us from anywhere around the World . ( The date above applies in my location in India . Your Full Moon date may be different . Follow the Moon !)
Again , starting time is at 7:00 p . m . local time please do this with intention and focus for at least 15 minutes . By the way , your healing contribution does not need to be limited to one day a month for 15 minutes . Give back to the Earth Mother when ever you want to or are driven to .
Dates for the Full Moons for the next three months are : � January 12 , 2017 ( Thursday ) � February 11 , 2017 ( Saturday ) � March 12 , 2017 ( Sunday )
Our relationship with the Earth and the Earth Mother is one of reciprocity — a relationship that requires mutual dependence and action and responsibility .
Therefore , this is not a money making venture . If any proceeds are donated or voluntarily given by anyone attending at your gathering , please use the funds to plant a tree that you can visit and gather around for future Empowered Earth Healing Circles or donate the contribution to a responsible organization or local group that works with the betterment of Earth .
With Blessings , Paul
P . S . I have put up a FB Group dedicated to this event . I invite you to become a part of this page : https :// www . facebook . com / groups / 410170672517490
Please , spread the word !