Shamanic Vision: Living Life through the Eyes of the Heart 1st Quarter, 2017 | Page 14

Does the wind only blow from the East ? Does it always rain at noon on September 7 th ?
Of course not !
Therefore , we accept experiences , rather than hold expectations and seek concrete facts . Instead , we embrace all that is new . We look and experience all with wonderment and a sense of trust blended with the wisdom of discernment that is provided by our “ feeling sense ”. We learn to fully trust ourselves and Spirit .
We Believe . We Allow . We are Open and Curious . And therefore , everything simply ... IS ! Our job is not to clear up the mystery ; it is to make the mystery clear .
It has been said that , those who are wise have lived a lifetime with their ears open and a willingness to not only experience truth , but to pursue it as well .
Wisdom is gained by listening to your elders , for they have walked a longer path than you , seeking and experiencing all that is true . Wisdom lives within honesty , not deception . Realize that education is never-ending .
Even death offers us a final lesson .
Learn from Mother Nature . Her wisdom is infinite .