In the following list there are things that we can do every single day in our life so that every single day we celebrate earth day
A little bit of history:
Earth Day is a day dedicated to the environment to safeguard the planet: every year, on April 22nd, there are events organized around the world, during which we become aware of the issue of ecology and inform ourselves about the planet's health. Many American citizens participated in the first Earth Day on April 22nd , 1970. The following year they convinced the ONU to formalize the participation of all American citizens and commitment. Now 175 countries are involved.
We have thought about some actions that you must always do and we have grouped them in this list:
Too often we don’t think of all the energy that we consume everyday. Let us pause for a moment and reflect on how we must save energy and pollute less but remember it’s not a question of saving energy only it’s a question of saving ourselves
Written by Antonio Sannino, Mattia Matarazzo and Marco Ruotolo