Shades Magazine April Issue | Page 21

Federica Villa, 32 has had the brilliant idea

to open a dog nursery in Seregno, a little town near Milan,to host and train small and large dogs and take care of them when the owners cannot, because they are working or they have an engagement. She with her contributors have created a nursery with special dog days. A typical dog day starts in the morning when the dogs arrive between 7:30 and 9:30. At first there is the call , then from 10:00am to 12:00 am they are divided in different groups of five or six members and are brought to the park to run in a great race. When it’s lunch time everyone goes to the dining room where they eat the dog food prepared by their owners stored in lockers.

In the first afternoon they sleep because the morning was tiring and after, they have a snack and run to the park to play educational games to open their minds.

Dogs are like children!!


-The dog nursery accepts only tame dogs

-The masters must be competent

-It costs twenty-five euros per day

-Before enrollment, the masters meet the dogs and the owners to see if the animals settles

-At the end of the scholastic year, they receive a school report!

At the end we tell you: “We can be completely happy if we take our dogs to a good dog nursery!”

Written by Alessandra Riccardi and Federica Balsamo.