SGGS Careers #NCW2020 Day 4 | Page 7


In the workplace, things don't always run smoothly and when things get turned upside down, employers want to know that they can rely on you to do what is necessary to put things right. And that means being flexible. Being flexible can often mean going outside your comfort zone in order be more effective. When completing an application form or preparing for an interview, make sure you are able to give examples of times that you've had to be flexible for the greater good.

Time management

This is arguably one of the most valuable soft skills you can have as a school leaver.

It's also one of the most difficult to attain.

Knowing how much time to set aside for a particular task can be challenging, particularly if the task in question is completely new to you. In most cases, good time management skills come from experience but being organised in the first place and asking for help when needed can go a long way to helping you manage your time better. You may want to mention to an employer how you managed your time while studying for several exams at once. It's a good idea to have a few examples of times where you have demonstrated good time management skills as employers are sure to ask you a question on this.

Ability to work under pressure

Every job has its own pressures and employers will want to know that you have the life skills to be able to cope when the going gets tough. Despite what people might think, coping with pressure doesn't mean worker harder or longer hours.

It's about being as resourceful as you can.

This might mean seeking out extra help with a project, or taking some time to recharge your batteries in the middle of a busy day. Try to think of a time at school when you had a lot on your plate. What did you do to help you cope with the pressure and what was the outcome?