7 ways to shine on your placement!
How to make a good impression in your work experience, internship or placement. This is your time to shine!
1. It’s awesome to ask
If you’re not quite sure about something, ask. It helps you learn the system faster and shows you’re keen to improve, which any boss will love! Note down any answers, and check in with your manager once you’ve made a start to see if you’re heading in the right direction.
HOT TIP: If you’re nervous about asking in front of everyone you can always email your manager or catch them away from their desk and ask for more information.
2. Time-keeping is a big deal
Being on time for work and meeting your deadlines shows you’re a dedicated person who can be relied on. If you’re late for any reason, let people know straight away. Tell them why you’re late and how late you’ll be. This shows you’re aware of the issue and a team player who’ll keep their team-mates and manager informed.
3. Fitting in with the work culture? Take it slow
To make a great impression – especially if it’s your first taste of the world of work –focus on doing your job as well as you can. You’re new to the workplace, so you don’t really know what lines to cross. Everyone will understand that, as a newbie, you need a little time to find your feet! Keep things a bit formal and toned down in how you dress and behave at first – then you can see what the workplace is really like and fit in at your own pace. After all, even if there’s banter going round, you don’t want to be making inappropriate jokes from the get-go!
HOT TIP: Think about how you’re using social media and your phone, too! If you’ve had a bad day at work, be careful about what you post socially. If this is your first taste of work you might be used to being on Twitter or snapchatting your friends when you feel like it, but this is a fast way to give a wrong impression. Your friends can wait.
4. Be proactive: Keep busy, play to your strengths and ask for more
Don’t be afraid to ask for work or offer to help others if you’ve run out of things to do. It shows off your work ethic and ability to take the initiative. If you want to get noticed, suggest a new idea or way of doing things. Employers want to see you can bring something extra to the business.